Technical Translation

Languages are our complement suit we offer to our customers. We will ensure that your text is localised accurately and appropriately into any language.

VFS Technologies India offers translations in any language and on any subject. We translate technical manuals and any other materials that our customer might need in order to communicate with the audience. Our experience over the years has taught us that clients value the fact that VFS Technologies India is prepared to take that extra step when it comes to service and professionalism. This means that all our translation work is done by highly professional, native-speaker translators who specialise in the topic at hand. And in order to guarantee our quality, our in-house editors take care of the Quality Assurance process. All this as part of our on-going commitment to exceed our clients' expectations. 

Today we do translation in the following areas:

  • Process Instructions
  • Assembly procedures
  • BOMs and Catalogues
  • Training materials
  • Engineering specifications
  • Manuals − product, operations, safety, maintenance, installation, etc.